Hybrid Willow (Austree) is a great choice when you are in need of a mature tree quickly. They grow into a beautiful shade tree or you can plant them in rows to create a visual border.
They are extremely fast growing, adaptable to many planting sites, and hardy in the lower 48.
One advantage of hybrid willows is they hold their leaves longer than most other deciduous trees. If you plant them as a screen, they will last well into fall. Consider putting a row or two of them next to your newly planted evergreens. They will create the screen in a season or two, while the evergreens take their time getting big enough.
These extra long cuttings are slightly smaller in diameter than our standard 12" cutting, but because of their increased length they can be planted much deeper. Ideal for dry conditions or other challenging sites. They should be planted a minimum of 12" deep (preferably deeper) to realize the benefit of these longer cuttings.
Size: 24" unrooted cutting
Common Name: Hybrid Willow
Scientific name: Salix matsudana x alba
USDA Hardiness Zone: 2 - 9
Height: 70 feet
Width: 30 feet
Anaerobic Tolerance: High
Recommended mulch material: Black plastic or woven fabric.
Rooting hormone: None
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