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Silky Dogwood- 24"
Silky Dogwood- 24'

Silky Dogwood- 24"

Your Price: $5.00
1150 In Stock

Quantity Pricing

  • 49 - 74
  • $4.95
  • 75 - 99
  • $4.93
  • 100 - 149
  • $4.91
  • 150 - 249
  • $4.90
  • 250+
  • $4.85

Highly Recommended for deer browse on the MSU Deer Lab Final Forage Episode 2: Browse

Silky dogwood is a woody deciduous shrub. The growth habit is upright rounded, but where stems are in contact with the ground, roots are formed. This behavior creates thickets. Young dogwoods have bright red stems in the fall, winter and early spring, which turn reddish-brown in the summer. As the shrub matures, the stems turn reddish-brown year-round and later gray. Very high on the preference list of browse for whitetail deer.

Common name: Silky Dogwood

Scientific Name: Cornus amomum

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 - 8

Height: 6-10 feet

Size: 24" Cutting

Anaerobic Tolerance: Medium

Recommended mulch material: Woven Fabric

Also known as: Swamp Dogwood, Salmon Dogwood,

Rooting hormone: None

Please see the Shipping Dates page for delivery date information.

5 Stars
Quality Product
Received these in early May. They arrived in good shape and have all bloomed. Tom has some of the best customer service ranging from order status/shipping to expertise on how/when/where to plant. Thank you
Did you find this helpful?  4 of 4 Found Helpful
Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from Pittsburgh, PA. on 6/9/2023

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